Give biathlon a try on Dec. 27

Vancouver Island club invites participants to ski and shoot on Mount Washington

The public is invited to try biathlon Dec. 27 at the Mount Washington Nordic site.

The public is invited to try biathlon Dec. 27 at the Mount Washington Nordic site.




It is snow time again! Vancouver Island Biathlon Club is hosting a chance to try biathlon – .22 calibre shooting and skate skiing – at their 26-lane, remotely operated target range located at Mount Washington’s Nordic site. Dec. 27 is the date starting at 10 a.m. with half-hour time slots until 2 p.m. Sign up at

Join us for refreshments afterwards at Vancouver Island Mountain Centre across from Raven Lodge for our Annual General Meeting at 4 p.m. The AGM is open not only to current members of the Vancouver Island Biathlon Club, but also to others who would like to share ideas or learn more about what the club and biathlon is about.

Biathlon Bears programming starts on Jan. 10.  There is still space to register. Don’t wait for the snow as then spaces will fill up fast.

Contact to register.

Jan. 11 we will be hosting the Pacific Region Cadet Zone race at 11 a.m. Come and watch the excitement or volunteer to help. Check out our website at for more info.

– Vancouver Island Biathlon Club


Comox Valley Record