Tuesday, May 12 is the date of the Spring Fling for the Tuesday Ladies of Glacier Greens. It’s a great friendly competitive beginning to the season and in preparation we golfed this past week using Stableford scoring.
Talk about getting your brain in gear, that did it. The game was on and the weather was chilly but sunny and held out until the last group was in, then the rain came. Good timing and good results.
With a score of 58 our winner was Bernice Henderson, closely followed by Lynn Pringle with 55 and Janet Edwards at 51 on a count-back. Brenda Livingstone took the water ball on #18,
Bernice, the KP on #15 and Gene Renaud the KP on #7 with her second shot. Putts were won by Marie Israel and Bernice Henderson with 31 apiece.
Tuesday is open to all the women at Glacier Greens so please join in and sign up for the Spring Fling.
– Glacier Greens Ladies Golf