Pictured are machine operator Dave Zorn and Jon Simpson.

Pictured are machine operator Dave Zorn and Jon Simpson.

Golden Cycling Club completes phase one of new trailhead

The new trail head replaces the existing parking on the east side of the one lane bridge across the Columbia River.

Golden Cycling Club


On October 21, the Golden Cycling Club (GCC) held its last volunteer day of the year, and in a four-hour period completed a new section of single track that connects the bottom of “CBT Mainline” trail to the new parking area.

The new trail head replaces the existing parking on the east side of the one lane bridge across the Columbia River.

The previous entrance to the trail had a number of safety related problems coupled with the inconvenience to the public created by foot and bike traffic using the bridge to access the trail.

In an effort to rectify the situation, the Ministry of Transportation in cooperation with HMC Services contacted GCC in the spring and offered the new parking as part of their Community Enhancement Program.

If the club would build a connecting trail, the Ministry would develop the new site, providing an entrance off the Golf Course Road and signage indicating bike traffic crossing Kicking Horse Trail.

GCC readily agreed to the proposal and set aside one of their volunteer days to build the connecting trail.

On Sunday at 9 a.m., 16 volunteers and one Bobcat excavator (thanks Dave!), showed up to build trail. This turnout exceeded expectations and the entire section of trail was completed that morning and was followed with a hot barley stew and every trail builder’s favourite beverage.

The trail features pretty much everything that one might expect to find on the next eight kilometres of CBT single track all in a 300 metre trail.

While not eliminating all of the problems associate with the old parking – locals who elect not to drive will still be crossing the bridge – it does benefit the club and the public. GCC can now begin work on their plan for development of the trailhead similar to what now exists at Cedar Lake with a restroom and a map kiosk.

They are also looking into the creation of a family-friendly trail that will utilize the same trail head.


Golden Star