Golden Rockets peewee team wins the East Kootenay banner tournament

Golden Rockets peewee team wins the East Kootenay banner tournament

The Golden Rockets peewee team earned themselves the top position at the Easy Kootenay banner tournament in Sparwood last weekend.

The Golden Rockets peewee team earned themselves the top position at the Easy Kootenay banner tournament in Sparwood last weekend.

Coming out on top at the tournament with a 5-0 win over the weekend, and a 4-1 win over Kimberly in the final game, the hockey season came to a great end for the Golden Rocket peewees.

The tournament was the culmination of years of work. Some of the players have been playing together since they were four years old, and this will be a memory for them in years to come, goalie coach Mark Baxendale said.

After the final game, head coach Curt Thorne told the team that was his “proudest coach moment that he had ever had.”

Baxendale thanked all the players that worked hard and improved so much over the year, the parents and supporters for their dedication to the sport, and the coaches that improved the level of play and fun for the team.

There will be a Bantam Team in Golden next year. If anyone that is not in Golden Minor Hockey and would like to play hockey that was born in 2003 to 2005 please contact Baxendale, registrar of GMHA at

Golden Star