Golf camp drawing youth

Weekly rounds at Marmot Ridge Golf Course fun for children

A new golf camp in 100 Mile House is a hit with young golfers.

Karl and Julie Villeneuve are volunteers organizing the weekly rounds at Marmot Ridge Golf Course on Tuesdays.

It’s all about learning the basics, and having fun, explains Karl.

“I don’t claim to be a golf pro of any kind. It’s for kids to come out and enjoy an actual golf course.”

More than a dozen youth can be expected to drop in every week. They’re broken up into small groups based on age and ability and go out for as many holes as they can. There’s a $5 green fee and optional $3 cost which goes to prizes for a year-end event. The camp goes from 4:30 to 6 p.m. for children 14 and under.

Karl, who has five children of his own, gives thanks to Marmot Ridge for the support.

“It brings out a lot of these big families. They actually have four or five kids each. They’re able to afford this.”

He expects the camp to run all summer and has plans for a chip, putt and drive contest to wrap up the season sometime in August or September. There are weekly prizes, too.

For more information, Karl can be reached at 250-945-4769.

It’s required that one adult be present on the course for every four children, and there’s no cost to parents who volunteer to help out.

Karl says he loves the game. It seems he’s passing that feeling on to a younger generation.

“It’s just to go out and play. It doesn’t matter what your ability is or how old you are, you’re always going to be able to play golf.”

100 Mile House Free Press