Golfers living on the edge

The expression “Living on the edge” took on new meaning for a pair of local golfers recently.

“How’s this for a long shot?” asks Glenn Parker of Comox in an email to the Record sports department.

“My golf partners, Don Sukla, Jack Hensky, and I were playing nine holes at the Comox

Golf Club last week. On the third hole, Jack’s putt sat on the edge of the hole for a few seconds and then fell in, reminiscent of Tiger Woods’ memorable putt at the Masters several years ago.

“On the fourth hole, my ball came out of the bunker and landed about eight feet from the hole. I putted and my ball hung on the edge for about three seconds before it fell.

“Two edgers in two holes! Now that’s something you don’t see every day. Maybe even a little rarer than a hole in one, wouldn’t you say? Ah, the wonders of golf,” Parker mused.

If you’ve got a great golf story to share, email it to or


Comox Valley Record