Golfers take on the green in Quesnel

Golfers teed up earlier this month, participating in Quesnel’s Senior Mens Tournament Aug. 9 – 10.

Golfers teed up earlier this month, participating in Quesnel’s Senior Mens Tournament Aug. 9 – 10.

Overall gross winner with a score of 144 was James Pedersen and swinging in with a final score of 132 for overall net winner was Brad Chudiak.

Taking to the green for a first place win in flight A gross winner was Steve Sheldon. Kirk Rustad and Scott Norgren followed 10 strokes behind with a score of 155. Net winners were Rick Smith, first place, Gerry Hudon, second place and third place winner was Rod Albers.

In was a close call in flight B, first place gross winner Glen Walton scored 160 for the win, with second place winner Bob Daniels following closely behind with 161 and Dean Tingley walked away with third place swinging in with 162.

Net winners for flight B were Wes Arnot, first place, John Murphy, second place and Bub Burbee, third place.

Martin Ritchie took home first place for flight C net winners, followed by Norm Armstrong in second and Brent Chudiak swinging in third.  Gross winners were George Stedeford with 166, Wayne Petsul finishing with a score of 168, followed by Tim Klotz with 174.

First place in flight D went to net winner Gil Dagneau, with Doug Woods following in second and coming in third was Darrel Martinson. Gross winners were Phil Vandervelde with a score of 172 launching him into first place, Paul Rivet in second and Lorne Martindale in third.

Saturday’s winners included Jeff Crandall, swinging in for the win the KP (closest to the pin) at hole three. Ken Klapstein took the KP for hole seven. Hole 14 KP winner was Greg Close with Norm Armstrong taking the win for KP at hole 16. For the long drive competition at hole two Rick Smith had the winning swing with Rod Abers winning at hole 10.

KP winners for Sunday were Al Seto, at hole three, Bob Smith, hole seven, Wes Arnot, hole 14 and Brian Wells, hole 16. Long drive winner at hole two was Roy Stewart and Rod Albers once again won the long drive competition at hole 10.

The competition ended without any winners for skins, hole-in-ones or deuces over the two-day event.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer