Govinda Innes won Cowichan LMG’s annual skills competition earlier this month. (Citizen file)

Govinda Innes won Cowichan LMG’s annual skills competition earlier this month. (Citizen file)

Govinda Innes takes LMG skills competition

Colin Knight wins shooting segment

Govinda (Fast Feet) Innes won two of three contests to easily take top prize in Cowichan LMG’s annual skills competition last Wednesday.

Innes prevailed in the dribbling contest, as the only player to take the ball through the slalom-style course in less than 36 seconds. He also won the shooting contest, needing a tiebreaker to prove his superiority as an accurate and quick shooter.

With Innes already a lock for the overall win, the competition moved on to passing, which turned out to be the most hotly contested event of the night. Colin Knight eventually prevailed, outlasting Kevan Brown through four overtimes with his “curved” style.

“I have been working a lot on my stamina,” Knight explained. “And it definitely came in handy with all the extra work.”

Innes finished tied for fifth in the passing, good enough to earn him the title of 2019 Skills Champ.

“I just want to thank [coaches Glen Martin and Ryan Flynn] for putting this night on,” Innes said. “It was a lot of fun and a good team-bonding experience.”

Cowichan LMG is now off until Jan. 18 when the team visits Nanaimo United at Merle Logan Park.

Cowichan Valley Citizen