Grand Forks Minor Hockey Association considers House First policy

With the House First policy being considered, the discount date for registration is now Monday, Aug, 20.

At its annual general meeting (AGM) in April, the Grand Forks Minor Hockey Association (GFMHA) board requested input from members on the merits of pursuing a “House First” policy for GFMHA.

House First is a policy that some associations have adopted where they commit to first having a house (non-contact) team in the division, i.e. Bantam, before attempting to put together a rep (contact) team.

The AGM was very well attended and there was an informative and interactive discussion.

Good reasons for pursuing both house and rep were presented and discussed and what the board clearly heard from the members, was that the decision to go house or rep must be considered each year for each level independently.

The majority of the membership expressing opinions at the meeting did not believe that adopting a blanket House First policy would be in the best interest of our association.

Since the AGM, the board has been working on developing and documenting  guiding principles and a process that will help with making a team in category decisions as straightforward and transparent as possible.

An important part of the decision-making process is to confirm our registration numbers as early as possible.

As a result, changes are being made to our registration process, effective for the 2012-2013 season to support this.

For the last few seasons, we have offered a discount to players registered by Sept 15.  This discount date is being changed to this Monday, Aug. 20.  There will be no change in the registration fees for the upcoming season.

Instructions for registering for the upcoming season can now be found in the “Registration Packages” folder on the Downloads page on the website (

Please note, registration will be done online this year.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the AGM.

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable summer.  Please feel free to contact any board member.

Email can be sent via the website if you require additional information.

– Submitted by the Grand Forks Minor Hockey Association board

Grand Forks Gazette