Granite Pointe general manager David Belling tees off Monday to start the golf season. Photo: Tyler Harper

Granite Pointe general manager David Belling tees off Monday to start the golf season. Photo: Tyler Harper

Granite Pointe opens for the season

All 18 holes at the golf course opened Monday

David Belling was starting to wonder if winter would ever end.

Granite Pointe’s general manager said it felt like every time he returned to the golf course this month another eight inches of snow at fallen on it.

The white stuff is still present, but not enough to keep all 18 holes from opening to the public on Monday.

“Golf course wintered exceptionally well,” said Belling. “Unfortunately we are walking only due to the wetness of the golf course but we can get around it. We still have some snow on the property but what snow was in the way has been removed so we can play.”

Visitors will notice some changes when they arrive for the first time this spring. The pro shop has been moved to overlook the first tee, with the former shop being converted into a conference room.

The restaurant meanwhile has been taken over by chef Gordon Kleefe.

“He comes with a lot of experience,” said Belling. “Local guy, he’s coming back to the area, he’s been in Kaslo for a number of years and owned restaurants here. … He’s stepped in and stepped up. He’s going to have a great food and beverage experience for not only the golfer but the outside public.”

Belling said the reason off-season work was on emphasizing customer service improvements. There’s all-new staff and carts have received maintenance upgrades.

“We’re excited to get started. We have a lot planned. Our membership drive was extremely successful. We’ve worked hard to put quality product in the pro shop at an affordable price.”

tyler.harper@nelsonstar.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

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