Great day at Apex for Alpine skiing

Penticton alpine skier Peter De La Mothe chronicles his second day at the Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games

By Peter De La Mothe for the BC Winter Games

Having slept really well, I had a wonderful day on the hill again.

The sun was on and off all day but overall the warm snow had made our slalom course a little harder today.

It seemed the majority of people preferred slalom so it was exciting competition at the end of the day. I came eighth in the province (awesome). This made me even more thrilled for tomorrow however, I noticed Sunday is unfortunately the last day of the Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games. I will have to savour every moment of it because it has been so much fun.

The snow at Apex today was really warm but my coaches gave me suggestions. They said don’t go too hard because I have to complete two runs so I tried my best to complete the first and the second I really went for it. It was so awesome.

My friend Issac Athans got the gold again. It was the best weekend ever for him. Us being friends I can give him a pat on the back. He was smiling all day.

The volunteers at the school where we are staying have been so friendly and we have nice conversations.

We have one slalom run tomorrow. I will try to do the second run today and just go as fast I can, giving everything because I got nothing to lose.

Peter de la Mothe holds the unique distinction of not only being an athlete but a volunteer at the Penticton 2016 BC Winter Games. He is an alpine skiing athlete from Penticton and is also volunteering with the Promotions Directorate as a writer and photographer.


Penticton Western News