Great weather for 108 Men’s Night players

Men's Night winding down at the 108 Golf Resort but golfers still out there

Fifty-five golfers played in our third to last official Men’s Night at the 108 Golf Resort on Sept. 5.

There may well be more unofficial nights, as the course is slated to remain open until Oct. 15.

The big winner was Dan Hadden and that wasn’t even on the course, as he matched cards in the 50/50 draw for a very big cash prize.

Another winner was George McGibbon who won his semifinal match against Eric Ohlund. The other match between Jim Zailo and James Clancy should be played by

Sept. 12, so the final can get done in time for the official crowning at the last official Men’s Night and awards dinner Sept. 19.

On Sept. 5, longtime Ryder Cup captain Jim Laird led the way relegating Shane Wilkie to second best on this night. Laird shot a one over 37, including one of three deuces on the night to tune up for this year’s Ryder Cup in Williams Lake.

The whole team was announced and team caps were distributed. The 108 golfers will be styling and, hopefully, can play up to their image.

John McNeil, another Ryder Cup team member, was low-net winner.

The second flight went to Larry Molnar for low gross, and Hadden took the low net. Greens keeper John Coulter shot his best round of the year to take second low net. Third flight was Ron Kelly won the gross-low prize and Dan McCafferty carded the low-net score.

100 Mile House Free Press