The Beaver Valley Figure Skating Club and Can-Skate programs take to the ice every Monday and Friday at the Beaver Valley Arena.

The Beaver Valley Figure Skating Club and Can-Skate programs take to the ice every Monday and Friday at the Beaver Valley Arena.

Greater Trail figure skaters prep for competition

The BV Skating Club developed a new strategy to prepare its young skaters for their first West Kootenay Open Competition next week.

The Beaver Valley Skating Club developed a new strategy to prepare its young skaters for their first West Kootenay Open Competition next week.

The “Funtastic” competition simulation last Friday saw beginner and novice figure skaters glide and jump through the various elements and free-skate portion to familiarize skaters with the protocol and pressure of competition.

“It’s for a new batch of young kids who haven’t competed before, and it just gives them a chance to get the feel for it, to get over the first-time jitters,” said Club treasurer Shelley Verhelst.  “To see what the process is like so they’re not overwhelmed in competition.”

The simulation even included judges Linda Walker, Jan Westbury, and Myrna Reichmuth providing scores and critiques on each skaters’ performance to help identify areas for improvement.

But participation is the most important element and organizers want to see skaters of all ages and abilities lace them up and give it a try.

Programs include pre-Can-Skate for the really beginner skater ages three and up, the Can-Skate for those interested in learning the basics of skating whether it’s for hockey, ringette, speed, or figure skating and of course there is the StarSkate and Pre-junior Academy coached by certified instructors for those wishing to take figure skating to the next level.

The club encourages the public to come out and watch the up-and-coming figure skating phenoms compete against skaters from around the Kootenays and Okanagan on Nov. 30 to Dec. 2 at the Beaver Valley Arena.

Trail Daily Times