Grinder enjoys home ice advantage while playing for the Golden Rockets

Family support a key for Golden Rockets hometown player Lyndon McBryan.

Lyndon McBryan Golden Rockets

Lyndon McBryan Golden Rockets

Golden Rocket Lyndon McBryan is one of the few players on the team fortunate enough to play in front of his family and friends every game at the Golden Arena.

“I always have my family there, it’s pretty good to have that support,” said the 5 foot 10 winger.

“I started playing hockey when I was about five, all my older brothers played. I have three older brothers,” said McBryan. “And I used to go to quite a few Rockets games. My Grandpa actually coached for a couple years too.”

McBryan has made his way through minor hockey here in Golden, despite dwindling numbers in the later years, and a huge amount of travel.

In his second year on the team, McBryan has seven points and 41 penalty minutes so far this season, and is on par to match the 71 penalty minutes he had last year. He describes himself as a grinder, who does whatever is needed to keep his team going, and hopefully get them through the first round of the playoffs this year.

“I’m definitely more of grinder. I do what I can to keep the energy up, make some hits, play defensive. And if I have to I’ll fight,” said McBryan. “I’m hoping to make it out of the first round of the playoffs this year. I don’t even know if Golden’s ever been out of the first round, so that would be great.”

At age 19, McBryan has one more year of eligibility in the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League, but currently unsure of what the future holds for him.

“I’m not too sure right now. I’m going to see how this year goes and decide based on that if I am going to come back, go work, go to school. I’m really undecided.”


Golden Star