Grizzlies netminder Mark Becica puts his blocker to use in a hectic first period against the Sicamous Eagles Friday night at the Sicamous and District Rec Centre. The Eagles dominated the period, scoring the five goals that would end up winning them the contest.

Grizzlies netminder Mark Becica puts his blocker to use in a hectic first period against the Sicamous Eagles Friday night at the Sicamous and District Rec Centre. The Eagles dominated the period, scoring the five goals that would end up winning them the contest.

Grizzlies to focus on discipline after difficult weekend

Riley Creighton welcomed back to ranks as team captain.

By Samantha Robert

The Revelstoke Grizzlies were shut out this weekend as they had a close 5-4 loss playing against Sicamous on Friday Oct. 17, a devastating 9-3 loss to Nelson on Saturday, Oct. 18,  and a close 4-3 OT loss  to Beaver Valley on Sunday Oct. 19.

Friday’s game was close as  Zach Paxman, and Ethan Waitzner, took the first two goals during the in the first frame. The Grizz then fell behind 5-2 until Nii Noi Tetteh made it 5-3 later in a second frame plower play. Zach Morey scored the next goal of the game bringing it up to the final score of 5-4 in favour of Sicamous.

Saturday was a physical game earning the team 15 trips to the sin bin. Tensions were high and, despite their efforts, the Grizz were outshot 54-29. The goals were by Josh Pilon, assisted by Louie Federico in the 1st, a power-play goal by Tyler Chaves Leechin, followed by  a marker from Louie Federicos, which did  little to close the gap. The game ended with a 9-3 tally in favour of Nelson.

Sunday proved to be another close one as Federico once again had his hands in goal scoring, along with help from teammates  Jeff Bochon,  Tyler Chaves Leechand and Kyle Baron during the second. Pilon pitched in with some help from Ethan Waitzner and Kenny Batke early in the third frame, bringing the Grizz and the Hawks to two rounds of OT starting with four-on-four, and finally ending in a three-on-three  match up with the Hawks scoring the winning goal, making the final 4-3.

Coach Ryan Parent described the weekend as “disappointing,”  adding, “we expected a better result”

However, with less than 15 games in the season so far and a roster that is virtually all new, there is much room to believe this team will recover quickly. To help with this, the coaching staff has welcomed back Grizz vet Riley Creighton, who will take the role as captain. They have also called up Peter Grim and Ullar Wiatzka to fill roles of injured players.

Over the coming weeks, Parent hopes to work on the “lack of discipline” showed during Saturday’s game. He also hopes to sharpen the team’s  tactics. When asked what his overall goal for the team is this yea,  he said had it’s building ” a sustainable, community-oriented franchise that focuses on developing players over time.”

The Grizzlies face off against the Hawks at the Forum this Saturday Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. They are back the next day Sunday Oct. 26 at 4p.m. to face Spokane.


Revelstoke Times Review