Mark Hamelin shows Jessica Walton how to shoot at Smithers Secondary on Friday.

Mark Hamelin shows Jessica Walton how to shoot at Smithers Secondary on Friday.

Gryphons pass on basketball skills

Future basketball stars learned some valuable skills from members of the senior boys team during a camp at Smithers Secondary last week.

Future basketball stars learned some valuable skills from members of the senior boys team during a camp at Smithers Secondary last week.

The first annual mini-Gryphs basketball camp brought together 11 kids between grades 5-8 from schools across the district and roughly nine members of the basketball team on Friday

Grypons taught kids everything from dribbling and passing to shooting and team building.

Kids also received one-on-one attention.

Matt Lowndes, head coach of the senior boys’ basketball team, said the camp gives students a chance to try their hand at coaching.

“We want to use our student athletes and give them coaching experience and life experience and give back to younger kids,” said Lowndes.

“It’s a valuable thing to be able to teach and it’s good for the little guys to meet the big guys.”

Matt Fowler was one of two seniors to volunteer for the camp.

“It’s fun. Lots of them have some potential and hopefully they’ll be playing for us in a couple of years,” said Fowler, who is playing his final season with the team.

He added that the camp is a good way to introduce coach Lowndes and the basketball culture to younger athletes.

Grade 11 student Trent Monkman said he hopes to use the skills learned at the camp and apply them to other coaching opportunities.

“They’re pretty enthusiastic, they’re a good group to teach,” said Monkman.

“In the long-term, I’d like to coach as much as I can.”

The money raised from the camp will go toward the team this season.


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