ThePN3 Gunners defeated the PN1 Lightning 3-1 in the Peanut division championship final of the Valley Ball Hockey Association on Saturday at George Preston Recreation Centre.  Below: Gunners’ Connor McGuinness gets a step on his PN1 Lightning opponent in pursuit of a loose ball near centre court. The PN1 Lightning (bottom photo) proved to be a worthy combatant in the final before falling short.

ThePN3 Gunners defeated the PN1 Lightning 3-1 in the Peanut division championship final of the Valley Ball Hockey Association on Saturday at George Preston Recreation Centre. Below: Gunners’ Connor McGuinness gets a step on his PN1 Lightning opponent in pursuit of a loose ball near centre court. The PN1 Lightning (bottom photo) proved to be a worthy combatant in the final before falling short.

Gunners ground Lightning in peanut final

Another season came to a close for the Valley Ball Hockey Association with championship Saturday at the George Preston Recreation Centre

Langley Times