Cross country mountain biker Evan Guthrie has set up a scholarship fund for high school athletes

Cross country mountain biker Evan Guthrie has set up a scholarship fund for high school athletes

Guthrie funds young athletes

Cross-country mountain bike rider from Peachland sets up scholarship for high school students

Evan Guthrie decided it was time to give back.

The national-class mountain bike racer from Peachland has introduced the Evan Guthrie Fund, designed to assist young athletes in further pursuing opportunities in their chosen sport.

With the support of the Central Okanagan Foundation, the Evan Guthrie Fund will be presented this year to a graduating student at Mt. Boucherie Secondary School.

In the future, Guthrie plans to include all high schools in the Central Okanagan.

In Grade 10, Guthrie received a bursary in the name of Summerland freestyle skier Kristie Richards, the main inspiration for the creation of the new scholarship fund.

“It’s the first money I was ever given towards my sport and I’ll never forget that,” said Guthrie. “Then the Kelsey Serwa Bursary came along and I thought I can do something helpful, too. I feel I can give back more, to help graduating athletes who might not otherwise continue their sport for financial reasons.”

Guthrie said the fund is available to individuals competing in any sport, not just those offered in high schools.

In addition, applicants don’t necessarily have to excel in their classes.

“It’s not weighted heavily in academics, people don’t have to be straight-A students, but it will be for someone who is deserving and works hard,” said Guthrie. “I wasn’t really good in school and not everyone is.

“I want people to have the same opportunities I had. It’s tough when you hear people have to leave their sport when they don’t really want to.”

The application deadline for this year’s fund for one Mt. Boucherie student is Friday, May 13.

To apply, contact the career centre at MBSS.

To contact Evan Guthrie by email, visit his website:





Kelowna Capital News