Hansen burns Drillers

Jacquie Hansen scored four goals for a second straight game Friday.

Jacquie Hansen is as hot as the weather.

Hansen scored four goals in a North Okanagan  Women’s Soccer Association’s Masters Division contest for a second straight game Friday.

She deposited the first four as Dr. Lee Dental/Squires Four Pub cruised to a 7-0 win over Goplen Drillers at Marshall Field.

Sleeman’s lady of the match Lori Shippy set up three of Hansen’s markers, then scored her own on a 10-yard blast.  Leah Frye and Dana Reid had the other goals while Lisa Arrotta earneed the shutout.

Impact blank VQA

Four goals from four different feet propelled Gray Monk/Longhorn Pub Impact to a 4-0 win over Vernon Liquor Store VQA Friday at Marshall Field.

The Impact got goals from Denise Bourdon, regular keeper Derri Ann Cooper, who scored after a VQA defender passed her the ball on an attempt to clear it, Kim Weibe, who used her favoured right side foot and scored from 20 yards out, and from Dawn Heiss on a beautiful header off a corner kick from Alicia McCreary.

The Impact welcomed back Julie Hamer in net and she recorded her first shutout.



Vernon Morning Star