Heavyweights slug it out at Kootenay Savings Super League Curling

Heavyweights slug it out at Kootenay Savings Super League Curling

Bill van Yzerloo and Myron Nichol rinks go toe-to-toe in Super League curling

Kootenay Savings Super League saw big swings in the ice and the game scores.

Like two heavy weights exchanging blows, Team Bill van Yzerloo and Team Myron Nichol, with Garry Beaudry skipping, waged an epic back and forth slugfest.

Team Nichol was looking to steal in the first, laying one buried, before Skip Bill made a masterful come around tap to push the Nichol rock far enough off the four-foot to count one. The Nichol rink was aggressive, scoring three in the seconnd, and sitting on a steal of two in the third before van Yzerloo salvaged the end, and possibly the game, with a long-angle slash takeout, sticking it on the button, for a single point.

It seemed to energize Team van Yzerloo, as they retook the lead with a steal of two in four. But Nichol came right back with their own deuce, then stole the sixth when Beaudry made a perfect hit and roll behind cover to lead 6-4. Van Yzerloo jumped back in the lead with a field-goal in seven to be one up coming home without hammer. Team Nichol was set up to score their deuce to win the game, but skip Bill had an awesome game, making a perfect cross-ice double to lay two. Beaudry’s only option was a free draw for one to tie the game, which unfortunately picked coming into the house, giving van Yzerloo the steal and a 9-6 win.

Team Bedard Excavating, skipped by Deane Horning was playing Team Sitkum IT with spare Marcus Partridge skipping. Horning took control early, with a come-around tap for three in the first. Both teams then kept the pressure on each other without the hammer. It looked like another force of one for Bedard in the fifth, before Skip Horning executed a perfect double, and rolled out to blank the end. Team Bedard then extended their lead with a deuce, to be up 6-2 after six. Team Sitkum was again forced to take one in the seventh, and Team Bedard ran them out of rocks in the eighth for a 6-3 win.

Teams Fines put up a lot of offense against Team Heather Nichol, scoring field goals in the first and third ends with the hammer advantage, while keeping Nichol to singles in the second and fourth ends. Team Fines kept the pressure on, scoring two in five, then stealing the sixth for a 10-2 victory.

Team Albo, skipped by Dennis Schlender, was in tough against Team Russ Beauchamp, skipped by Danny Tweed. Team Albo managed a single in the first, but it was all Team Beauchamp after that, scoring three in the second, and stealing every end after that, including a large four in three and another three in six, for an 11-1 drubbing.

Team Desiree Borsato were all over Team Jill Winters, with second Courtney Schmidt changing the momentum in the first end with two double takeouts, leading to a three-ender. Team Borsato kept rolling, stealing two in the second and a big four in three, on their way to an 11-2 drubbing.

Trail Daily Times