Haylee Breier Dyck, Hailey Harbinson, Christina Cebriy and Sydney Hutchison gather for a hug with the Penticton Vees as yet unnamed mascot. Brennan Phillips/Western News

Haylee Breier Dyck, Hailey Harbinson, Christina Cebriy and Sydney Hutchison gather for a hug with the Penticton Vees as yet unnamed mascot. Brennan Phillips/Western News

He’s big and he’s blue

Vees unveil the latest addition to their lineup

Just before their first home game of the season Saturday, the Penticton Vees introduced the latest addition to their lineup.

At some seven feet tall, there’s no doubt that he’s imposing. And his fur comes naturally in the Vees own colour, blue and white.

Yep, fur. Soft fuzzy fur. The only concern about the Vee’s new mascot is that no one seems to know what to call him.

The Vees have turned that job over to us, asking for fans to comment on Facebook with their name suggestions, which they will narrow down and put it up for a fan vote in two weeks.

Fred Harbinson, the Vees’ head coach and general manager, says introducing a mascot is all about enhancing the fan experience and keeping the fans engaged.

Steve Kidd

Senior reporter, Penticton Western News

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