Hockey Canada Skills Academy at Sinkut View

The Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program (HCSA) allows students to engage in hockey training during school hours.

The Hockey Canada Skills Academy Program (HCSA) allows students to engage in hockey training during school hours.  This is possible through the co-operation of School District No. 91, the Vanderhoof Municipal office, Vanderhoof Minor Hockey and Sinkut View Elementary School.

In preparation for the upcoming year, students started their dry land training on Wednesday.  This lead in activity gives students a head start for their on ice program which starts October 1.  This program will offer 2.5 hours per week of on ice and off ice instruction with a focus on athletics.  This program is for all students who wish to attend.  Any student, boy or girl, attending Sinkut View may attend, no hockey experience or skills are necessary.

The (HCSA) program is in line with Sinkut View’s ongoing healthy school initiatives for which we have received the Health Education Award of Excellence in recognition of Sinkut View Elementary School’s outstanding efforts in supporting healthy lifestyle choices.  It is not intended that this be a program for students currently playing hockey only.  This will be an excellent opportunity for students to cross train for other sports or learn hockey skills.   Feedback from parents and students participating in this program has been extremely positive!

Marty Floris facilitates the program.  Floris has a Bachelor of Physical Education, Masters of Arts in Leadership and Administration, is a coach for BC High Performance Program and has been a head instructor at Okanagan Hockey School for eight years.

Mr. Michael Dittaro helps run the program, along with high school students from NVSS who earn credit for working with the HCSA students.

After October 1st, drop by the Vanderhoof Arena on Monday mornings from 8:30 to 9:45 or on Wednesday afternoons from 1:15 to 2:30 to observe this exciting program!



Vanderhoof Omineca Express