The ice will go into the Cariboo Memorial Complex rinks at the end of August. (Williams Lake Tribune photo)

The ice will go into the Cariboo Memorial Complex rinks at the end of August. (Williams Lake Tribune photo)

Hockey school a go in August

Ice will go in the last week of August

  • Aug. 11, 2017 11:00 a.m.

It’s all systems go at the Cariboo Memorial Complex, gearing up for hockey season. Director of Community Services Geoff Paynton states that, unless something goes sideways, everything will run according to plan.

“The first sheet of ice goes in the last week of August, give or take, and the second a few weeks later, depending on demand from groups like Minor Hockey and figure skating,” he explained.

“We want to keep the army guys happy for as long as they need us – they’ve been great to work with.

“The plan is definitely to have the hockey facilities up and running on schedule.”

Williams Lake Tribune