The winning rink includes (left to right) Elaine Starchuk, Tom Shaw, Mary Holden and Jack Holden.

The winning rink includes (left to right) Elaine Starchuk, Tom Shaw, Mary Holden and Jack Holden.

Holden rink wins 60+ curling championship

The Pacific Coast and BC Interior Masters (60+) Curling Associations Combined Mixed Provincial Curling Championship was held in Richmond from March 30 to April 3.

The Pacific Coast Masters Curling Association (PCMCA) was formed in 1963 to create a competition specifically for curlers aged 60 and above. The association is for curlers living in the Lower Mainland and on Vancouver Island. This event included teams from eight zones around the province.

The Pacific Coast Curling Association (PCMCA) entered teams from four coastal zones, two on the Island and two on the Lower Mainland. The BC Interior Masters Curling Association (BCIMCA) entered teams from four Interior zones. Up for grabs was a title for each of the organizations plus the overall provincial title.

There were many hard-fought games during the round robin with the Holden rink from the Comox Valley Curling Club up by one point over two Interior teams from Vernon heading into the last game.

A win by the Holden team in the final game clinched the provincial title as well as the PCMCA shield for having the best record of the four PCMCA teams in the championship. The Holden rink of skip Jack Holden, third Mary Holden, second Tom Shaw and lead Elaine Starchuk represented Zone 4 of the PCMCA and ended up with a record of 5 wins, 1 tie and 1 loss.

It was their first experience at this event but hopefully it won’t be the last, a CVCC spokesperson said. “One of the best parts is being able to brag to the kids about being Provincial champions. How cool is that? For curlers of this vintage (60+), this is a most prestigious and enjoyable event.”


– Comox Valley Curling Club



Comox Valley Record