Hollies Ladies Golf: Golf is life; life is golf

Deb Haggard covers the ladies golf scene in Alberni.

As I am writing this article I am looking outside and finding it hard to believe that it is the end of June.

It is grey, overcast and raining. Seriously, summer, when are you coming.

Because the weather has not been very summery this season, it is very tempting to curl up in front of the fireplace and read a good book. So on behalf of Ladies Night, I would like to thank the women who have been coming out and golfing at Hollies.

Maryann McConnell was the hot golfer of the night. She won KP, sponsored by Safeway, KP on second shot, sponsored by Home Hardware, and was also the big winner of the night with a score of 38.

Westwind Pub sponsored the longest putt, which was won by Marion Dick. Suzanne Jones picked up the prize for the longest drive, donated by Tim Horton’s. Geri Shields was the low gross winner in the “B” division. I would also like to recognize Lee Creighton for the runner up in the “B” division. Creighton has only started coming out to Ladies Night this year. Congrats Lee.

Welcome as well to LaDonna Knudson who has located to the Alberni Valley from Calgary.

Welcome to Port Alberni. Draw prizes were donated by Starbucks, Coastal Community Credit Union, Tim Horton’s and AV Auto Group. Thank you sponsors.

The more that I golf, the more I see how the game can be used as analogies to real life.

On Wednesday, I felt like I had never held a golf club before. I was very tempted to pick up my ball and head to the clubhouse and start on my “Ninteenth” hole refreshment. But I persevered and finished the game.

Golf, as in life, sometimes can be difficult. But it is important to keep going and finish the game. The last hole I had a beautiful drive and I have to come back next week and try again. It would be really nice if the golf gods would smile down at me.

Remember ladies, Wednesday night at Hollies Golf Course. Tee off time at 6 p.m.

The night includes a round of golf, dinner, prizes and Pat’s golf tip of the night.

Life is a journey, so let’s golf along the way.

* Deb Haggard pens the Hollies ladies golf column.

Alberni Valley News