Hollies Ladies Golf: Golf not so simple

Summer is here so if the weather was keeping you away, now is the time to dust off of those clubs and get out to the golf course.

The weather gods have finally listened to our pleas and gave us a beautiful summer nigh of golf.

Summer is finally here so if the weather has been keeping you away, now is the time to dust the cobwebs off of those clubs and get out to the golf course.

Sue Steinhaeur has been hot on the course, winning the “A” division with a score of 40. Runner up Maryann McConnell beat out newcomer Ladonna Knutson in retrogression.Geri Shields won the low gross in the “B” division and Sandy Toombs was the runner up.

Hidden hole prizes were donated by Tim Horton’s, Val Inwards and Hollies Golf Course.

It is going to be a tight race on this year’s ringerboard. Sue Steinhaeur is currently in the lead, but with Maryann McConnell a close second. In the “B” division Geri Shields is in the lead, but Annette Ryles is sneaking up and wants that number one spot.

Pat and Jackie and Hollies Golf Course are very generous sponsors of the Ty Watson House.

Throughout the years they have sponsored many fund raisers and have raised a significant amount of money in which to donate to this very worthy cause.

This year, the Wednesday night ladies golf group has set a very loft goal of raising $1,000 for this very deserving charity.

Golfing is just not about golf, it is so much more.

It is about giving yourself, your time and money to many local charities. It is about nurturing those friendships and caring about the people that you golf with.

It is about caring about people like Jackie who had to give up her place on the British Columbia team at the upcoming Canadian Senior Women’s Amateur in Charlottetown, PEI due to her shoulder recovery.

On behalf of all the ladies that golf at Hollies, we wish you a speedy recovery.

So ladies, take advantage of this beautiful weather and come out to Ladies night at Hollies on Wednesday at 6 p.m. Call 250-724-5333 to reserve your spot.

Deb Haggard pens the Hollies Ladies Golf column.

Alberni Valley News