Home for the holidays, fishing activities for December through January

By Don Daniels

Rubber salmon sandals for the angler who has everything. Photo by Don Daniels

By Don Daniels

For a number of people who enjoy fishing for salmon around Campbell River, the activity has slowed right down but the people who caught fish in October will have a salmon for the dinner table.

For many, smoked salmon is a favorite during the festive season and there is still a window of opportunity to get out and catch a winter spring. A handful of local residents will venture out in December during good weather and even getting out setting up crab and prawn gear is still doable. Winter springs are around and staying close to shore may be a way to get a 14-pound spring salmon, and yes, many undersized fish are around. Those who venture out have had success fishing 200 feet of water and deeper around Willow Point.

At Kelsey Bay last week, the water between the wharf and Hardwicke Island was like glass and a number of whales were sighted about 300 yards in the distance. The kelp beds are located off to the right of the wharf and if you’re willing to get out, set up a rod because a number of flounder, rock fish and salmon can be hooked. There is lots of room to set up gear and spend a few hours during the afternoon during the good weather days.

The Salmon River is high and can be drifted this time of year and, depending on rain water level, will change from brown to a dark green. All fishing is catch and release in the river and good reports have come in for cutthroat trout but no reports on steelhead. Fly anglers will drive further to the Adam and Eve rivers, but snow accumulations will hamper travel to the area in the winter months. Because of COVID-19, travel is restricted and social distancing is ordered and everyone must wear a face mask while stopping in to gas up or go to the restaurant.

Since March, we have been dealing with the COVID pandemic and it seems like a long time and we are still now wearing a face mask. Online shopping has kicked into another gear and the holiday season will be different this year. More people are staying home and those who made plans to travel have already altered their plans.

For those people who do not get out fishing, there are a number of new fishing books and some anglers might try getting into fly tying for the winter. I have a feature coming up on fly tying and new materials are available and are quite easy to use. They are also easy on the pocket book. I am in the process of putting together a number of fly tying material packages and they will be given out for free, with a pick up location to be still determined.

Hopefully the windy days will die down and maybe I will have a chance to wet some flies locally in weeks to come. A few years back, a sign was posted on Discovery Pier stating that Santa’s favorite salmon is a co ho ho. Whether you fish salmon or trout, I hope you can get out and have some fun in Area 13 or walk the many trails and get to cast out a fly or lure and spend some time enjoying fishing in the months ahead during the holidays.

Campbell River Mirror