Hope Legion ready to take on RCMP

Second annual slo-pitch game at Sixth Avenue Park this Saturday

Talk about a controversy: RCMP officer Dwayne Farlin will be playing for the Hope Legion #228 team when they take on the RCMP this Saturday in a slo-pitch game at Sixth Avenue Park.

It’s the second annual “Legion Challenge to the RCMP,” and organizer Faye Stewart would like to see lots of spectators out to cheer on their favourite players.

Farlin, who grew up in Hope, played for the Legion last year and Stewart said she was sure he got some ribbing for it from his fellow officers.

The nine-inning game starts at 2 p.m., followed by a party (for adults) in the Legion Lounge.

“Players and spectators are welcome to come back to the lounge for a beer and a burger for five bucks,” said Stewart.

“Last year, the Legion won ‘by a large margin,’” said Stewart, laughing. “You can put that in there — and that will get them going!”

Stewart said there is no charge for spectators.

“It’s just raising fun.”

Hope Standard