Hot scores recorded by Glacier Greens golfers

Par for the Course: A round-up of action from Comox Valley golf courses







There were good scores at Glacier Greens Saturday Men’s golf on Sept. 22. Chuck Kennedy shot a one-over 72 and did not get into the prizes in his handicap flight. A total of 108 played off the white tees, and the weather was also good with little wind and sun the last half of the game.

Hcp. 0-11: Low gross Chris Westbrook 70 c/b, Bill Kelly 70, Rob Borland 71. Low net Dave Wacowich 64, Gabe Tremblay 65, Don Buchan 66. Snips: #2 Richard Martin (eagle), #8 Chris Westbrook, #13 Karl Cameron, #15 Bill Kelly.

Hcp. 12-16: Low gross Al Murray 77, Ross Dowe 79 c/b, Chuck Brown 79. Low net Philip Ball 65, Phil Nakashima 66 c/b, Joe Dunham 66. Snips: #2 Jay Ferguson, #4 Al Donovan, #7 John Holley, #8 Rudge Wilson, #11 & #18 Lyle Torrie, #15 (POG) Chuck Brown, #16 Philip Ball, #17 Jim Clark.

Hcp. 17+: Low gross Stan Kirkland 81, Frank Gibson 84, Rick Verbeek 86 c/b. Low net Bob Henn 64, Ron Peacock 65 c/b, Al Pasenan 65 c/b. Snips: #8 Garry Wood, #16 Bill Stephens, #17 Ron Carter.

Next week tee times from 8 till 9:20 a.m. followed by reverse shotgun at 9:30 a.m. POGs #4 & #17 and the red tees that the big shooters were going to score easy last time they played but it didn’t happen.







Members of the Crown Isle Ladies golf club bid farewell to the 2012 season with the game of Tombstone – you play until you have taken as many shots as the par of the course plus your handicap.

Where the ball comes to rest after that shot is the location of your tombstone. The winners are the first, second and third players that take the longest to reach net par or have the lowest net scores for 18 holes

Sept. 25 was a beautiful fall day for this fun format. Linda Foreman was first low net with 65, while second went to Linda Stickney for her 66 and third to Iris Peterson at 67.

KPs were awarded to Diane Hardie (#7), Gillian Kirkpatrick (#16), Maggie Maclean (#12) and May Mitchell (#4). The Par 5 pot (25+ hcp) went to Sandra Morton for her par on #5.

This year’s Milestone Luncheon, honouring members celebrating significant birthdays in 2012, was held following the game. Significant birthdays are thought to be those ending in a 0 or 5 and we had 14 members fulfilling that definition. It was an excellent lunch and a good time to say so long until start-up in the spring. Thanks to all for a great season.




Fed X

Sunnydale Sunday Men’s Club golfers were out to battle for their own Fed X Cup standings. Half the field was ruthlessly cut after the scores were tallied up. The remainder will go at it again Sunday to determine this year’s champion.

Tyler Van Anrooy’s two-under 69 led the field followed by Jordon Rallison with a 73 and Jim Buchanan 77. On the net side it was Ken Cottini and Doug Rushton 69, Dave Pye 71.

On the low gross 11+ handicap Gord Rallison 78, Rick Dawson 80, Silvio Alberti 81, Lou Maurice 85, Wally Pettigrew 86. Net side Gavin MacLean and Keith McNellie 68s, Al Edwards, Keith Lamont and Jack Currie all shared 70s. KPs went to Gord Rallison, Shane Robinson and Roy Sementruck.

This Sunday closing day lunch, prizes, elections, 9 o’clock shotgun.





Tuesday at Glacier Greens the last day of the ladies shoot-out was played and it was alternate shot – better known as, “Wow I did not know this was here.” I am sure that almost everyone at one time said,”Sorry, partner.”

The low net results were Marguerite Fournier and Susanne Guitard with 66.5. Second was Carmel Horochuk and Brenda Livingston at 71 and third was Barb Myatt and Ann Blake with 72.5.

The overall winner for the shoot-out was net side Marguerite Fournier and Susanne Guitard with a total of 189 and the gross side was Angie Krahn and Donna Wilson with a total of 233.

Next Tuesday is closing with 18 holes of golf, dinner and meeting so come on out and have some fun. It has been a great season with lots of ups and downs for everyone.







Teri tops

Sunnydale Tuesday Ladies low gross this week was Teri Sleigh with 93. Tied for second was Jane Keoughan, Sharon Littler and Lys McCrone. Third was Lois Westbrook with 98 and fourth with 100 was Patrica Lowe. Tied for fifth was Kathie Reid and Fran Shaw.

Low net for the day was Tricia Harris with a 70; second was Betty Lund and Norma Rankin; third was Blod Crookshank and tied for  fourth Susie Currie and Frankie with 77.

Lowest putts goes to Sharon Littler with 27. Longest putt on #9 was Anna Butler.

KP second shot #5 was Betty Lund. KP #10 sponsored by Rob’s pro shop was Sandra Galloway. KP #15 Jane Keoughan.

Marg Poje and Tricia Harris had birdies and Cheryl Bickle had two chip-ins.

Sunday will be our wind-up banquet and last day of golf. The game will be a four-man scramble so it will be fun. Sign up for golf and dinner at the bar.





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