Hunting tips from the Conservation officers

New regulations to keep in mind when you are out hunting

Under Section 9(1) of the Firearm Act of British Columbia it states that a person must not discharge, carry or have in the person’s possession, in or on a motor vehicle, wagon, sleigh, aircraft, bicycle or other conveyance, a firearm containing live ammunition in its breech or in its magazine.

For this section, “carry” means to store, or have in possession in an aircraft, boat, motor vehicle or motor vehicle trailer, whether or not the aircraft, boat or motor vehicle is used as temporary or permanent living quarters.

What this means to the hunter or camper is that they cannot have a firearm with ammunition in its breech or magazine while in or on conveyances such as an ATV, a pickup, aircraft, snowmobile or in a jet boat at any time. The only exception to this legislation is that a loaded firearm and subsequent discharge is allowed in a boat that is not under power, such as a jet boat drifting downstream with the motor turned off, a canoe on a lake under manual power, or a punt powered by an outboard with the motor inoperable and lifted out of the water.

The Conservation Officer Service wishes to remind the public that if they witness or become aware of an environmental or Fish and Wildlife related infraction, to please report it by calling 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP). Callers may remain anonymous if they wish and they may be eligible for a reward.

The Free Press