Hurricanes capture second straight title

Campbell River girls peewee C hockey team defeats two good teams to win again

The Hurricanes are number one on the Island. Team members are (from left): Callie Anne Masse, Carrissa Jochimski, Kate Johnson, Martine Thompson, Alyssa Palmer, Cassidy Bellavance, Kylie Scammell, Jaydlin Spooner, Rylee Nelson, Rebecca Manson, Haley Hunter, Miaya Cramb and Madison Oke. Missing from the photo are Vanessa Dunn, Jessica Grant and Julia Mercer.

The Hurricanes are number one on the Island. Team members are (from left): Callie Anne Masse, Carrissa Jochimski, Kate Johnson, Martine Thompson, Alyssa Palmer, Cassidy Bellavance, Kylie Scammell, Jaydlin Spooner, Rylee Nelson, Rebecca Manson, Haley Hunter, Miaya Cramb and Madison Oke. Missing from the photo are Vanessa Dunn, Jessica Grant and Julia Mercer.

The Campbell River Hurricanes peewee C female hockey team captured the Island title in Lake Cowichan last weekend.

The fun started Saturday for the local Peoples Drug Mart team in a must-win game against Sooke, their arch-rivals from last year.

But the Hurricanes took command and skated to a 6-3 victory to advance to the next round.

On Sunday, the girls faced Peninsula which beat Campbell River in two of the team’s three losses this season.

With the Island banner on the line, Hurricanes’ coach Dennis Bellevance struggled with some last minute line changes to corral the hottest player on Penisula’s team.

The girls jumped on the ice to the blast of the Campbell River Storm air raid siren – provided by Kevin and Linda Spooner – but it was Peninsula which came out fast and scored just 30 seconds into the game.

However, the Hurricanes gained momentum five minutes into the second period when Martine Thompson scored a beauty goal, assisted by Cassidy Bellavance and Rebecca Manson.

With the siren drowning out Peninsula’s wimpy horn, the girls took their first lead of the game on Bellavance’s marker, assisted by Thompson.

Thompson then scored to open the third period with assists going to Manson and defender Alyssa Palmer.

With just two minutes left in the third, Kylie Scammel scored to seal the deal for Campbell River with the assist going to Bellavance.

Peninsula would also score once in the third, but the Hurricanes held on for a 4-2 victory to claim the championship.

Hurricanes’ goalie Jaydlin Sponner also made three huge saves in the final frame to help the team take home the banner for a second straight year.

Many thanks to the Coaches Dennis Bellavance, Chris Jochimski and Dwayne Oke for all their time and patience.


Campbell River Mirror