Indians meet Giants in Komoux Masters Real Baseball League final

The Komoux Masters Real Baseball League championship goes Saturday, Sept. 24 at 12 noon at Highland #3.




The Komoux Masters Real Baseball League championship goes Saturday, Sept. 24 at 12 noon at Highland #3.

The final will see the league-leading Happy’s Source for Sports Indians of the American Division take on the Dundee Giants of the National Division.

In the American League semifinal last Sunday, Happy’s knocked off the Mike Fisher Realty Blue Jays 9-1. Andy Marinus went head-to-head against Jays’ ace chucker Lee McKillican.

After a scare in the quarter-finals against the Courtenay Plumbing Twins, the Indians wasted no time in deciding the outcome of this one.  Scoring one in the first inning, one in the fourth and six in the fifth, this game was not left to the bullpen to decide. Leading the charge were Quinn, Odamura and Caton each with two doubles, Powell going 3-for-3 and Dobbelsteyn with three RBIs.

Details of the National League semifinal were not available at press time.

“Although the weather reports are not positive, do not assume a rain-out if it is wet for tomorrow’s final,” a league spokesperson said. “Take a drive up to the top end of Torrence, park by the town yard, and walk 500 feet west to find our great little ball park. See you there!”


Admission is free.



Comox Valley Record