The Interlakes Snowmobile Club had a great season last year and hopes to repeat it this season. (Photo submitted)

Interlakes Snowmobile Club set to make tracks

Club hopes to open by Christmas

The Interlakes Snowmobile Club is looking to make tracks before Christmas this season.

President Marcel deRepentigny said although the club had to cancel its Annual General Meeting this year due to COVID-19, it is still planning to host its usual line-up of rides this year, restrictions allowing. Due to the early snowfall, he added, they’re hoping to get started in December before Christmas so they can enjoy a “deep season.”

“Right now we’re sitting at 25 members. Last year we were at 52, I believe, but we’re talking about doing a membership drive,” deRepentigny said, adding they’ve sent out an email to those still on the ride list.

The club had an “awesome” season last year, collectively amassing on average over 2,000 kilometres over the course of 29 organized rides. They visited Big Timothy Mountain, Mount Hendrix, Clearwater and the Interior Plateau, to name just a few locations. The club also helps look after 120 kilometres of trail it manages, stretching along Highway 24 north of Windy Mountain to Curry Lake. Most of their main sledding area tends to be well off this main trail in the backcountry, deRepentigny said.

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deRepentigny said they welcome anyone to attend their rides, veteran or beginner, as they’ll have the most experienced riders go first and carve out a really good track for the less skilled to slip in easily. This will allow everyone to hone their skills, he added, and let older club members pass on their knowledge to new members.

“It’s all about the social aspect and just having fun,” deRepentigny said.

As far as specific changes to how they operate due to COVID-19, he said the main thing is they’re just asking people to respect one another’s space. deRepentigny said people who are sick are asked not to come on any rides or if any members visit the Lower Mainland or another COVID hotspot to consider “staying away for a little bit.” Common sense and mutual respect for one another is all he asks.

In the coming weeks, he said they’ll be paying close attention to B.C. health mandates to make sure their plans are COVID-safe.

“A lot of us we live for the winter, that’s one reason we come here is for the snow,” deRepentigny said.

Anyone looking to join can reach out to the group’s Facebook page, the Interlakes Snowmobile Club, or call deRepentigny at 250-395-5363.

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100 Mile House Free Press