Irvines and Unger win True North Triples at CLBC

Pat Unger and Jim Irvine are among the biggest winners at the Cowichan Lawn Bowling Club so far this summer.

The winning triples team of Pat Unger and Jim and Penny Irvine.

The winning triples team of Pat Unger and Jim and Penny Irvine.

Pat Unger and Jim Irvine are among the biggest winners at the Cowichan Lawn Bowling Club so far this summer.

Unger and Jim and Penny Irvine teamed up to win the True North Triples League at the club this season, while Unger also teamed up with Clint Bailey and Bill Cleary to win the Jim Lee Mixed Tournament, and Irvine was the over 70 singles champion.

Bailey also collected a few other honours, taking the CLBC men’s single championship and teaming up with Bonnie Younger to win the Thursday Pairs League.

Other winners so far include Betty Locke, who won the CLBC women’s singles championship, and Sheila Wethered and Pauline McHugh, who won the women’s pairs title.


Cowichan Valley Citizen