Isfeld Ice junior girls off to Island championships

Courtenay team captured North Island title with three straight wins in Nananimo

The Isfeld Ice junior girls basketball team celebrates their North Island championship.

The Isfeld Ice junior girls basketball team celebrates their North Island championship.

The Isfeld Ice junior girls basketball team is looking to extend their already  successful (28-6) season as the North Island champions are at Royal Bay Secondary in Colwood this weekend for the Island championships.

They face the Oak Bay Breakers in their first game on Friday. Last weekend, the Ice were at Nanaimo District Secondary where they went undefeated (3-0) to capture the North Island title.

Their first game was against Mid-Island #3 ranked John Barsby, who recently added and perfected an aggressive 1-3-1 half-court trap that kept the score close for the first half. The Ice pulled away with some quick passing and great shooting to win 32-19.

Their second game was against Mid-Island #1 Dover Bay. The previous match-up this season between the Dolphins and the Ice resulted in an intense one-point win in overtime. This time, the Ice played one of their best games this season, both defensively and offensively, pulling off a 49-21 win.

The final game saw league rival Alberni District Secondary meeting the Ice for another final round. The two teams met in the District finals the previous weekend, which resulted in a heartbreaking two-point loss for the Ice.

This was one of three losses to ADSS this season for the Ice and they were looking for redemption. Isfeld came out strong and led every quarter to win 53-34. Point guard Alyssa Erikson led the scoring with 15 points, including four excellent three-point bombs.

There were many other contributors to the scoring, including Sarah McKillican (12), Dianna Townsend (10), Destanie Williams (6) and Erin Butnor (6).  Coach Sherri Bohmer attributed the team’s success to their defence. “The girls played outstanding defence this weekend. This was our best-played game of the season, hands down.”


Comox Valley Record