Members of the Arrow Lakes News sponsored slow pitch team, In the Parkers, celebrate their leag

Members of the Arrow Lakes News sponsored slow pitch team, In the Parkers, celebrate their leag

ITP knocks season out of the park

The match was a back and forth contest that found the veteran ITP team with an early deficit of 4 runs during the second inning.

Walk-off home run! Walk-off home run! There couldn’t have been a more exciting way to end the finals game which saw rivals In The Parkers (ITP) face off against last year champions, the Brew Jays.

Ryan Struck was the hero who catapulted his team to glory with his 7th inning blast that sent the ball over the fence and into history.

The match was a back and forth contest that found the veteran ITP team with an early deficit of 4 runs during the second inning. ITP managed to realign their game plan and caught up 4 runs at their next bat and went on to jostle for the lead.

The game was tied at 8 runs when Struck took up the bat and swaggered into the box with the out count at 2.

ITP needed a hit, but were not expecting the homerun performance that Struck delivered. The gathered crowd erupted with cheers as the ball took flight into the fading light of the day, then dropped decidedly on the far side of the chain link fence thus dethroning last years champions.

Struck, along with Zac Wethal were instrumental in organizing the Nakusp softball league, which hosted seven teams this season. All of the magic generated by community competition that enveloped the ball fields on Monday and Wednesday nights was the result of their tireless efforts making softball a reality for Nakusp.

Wethal would like to thank all of the volunteers and teams for the great season, and would like to remind everyone that ball isn’t over; the August Long Weekend Tournament is coming up.


Arrow Lakes News