Swicked Cycles owner James Durand. Photo submitted

Swicked Cycles owner James Durand. Photo submitted

It’s official, I’m a junkie

By James Durand

  • Apr. 19, 2019 12:00 a.m.

By James Durand

Okay, maybe a little dramatic since I don’t do drugs, but I have been experiencing some serious withdrawal symptoms lately.

I’ve been sleeping poorly, I am irritable, and my stress levels are going through the roof.

I went for a great ride last night and all of a sudden I was feeling better. I woke up in a good mood this morning and I’m looking forward to the day ahead.

Prior to last night’s ride, I had not ridden my bike for ten days. Considering that I have not gone more than a couple of days without riding since well into last year, I have become accustomed to a certain amount of pedalling, and I like it, or maybe I need it.

I found the longer I went without riding the more the symptoms crept into my life, the more I craved riding.

My body hurt, I had trouble concentrating, and I had zero patience for pretty much anything. I needed a fix.

My body hurt, I had trouble concentrating, and I had zero patience for pretty much anything. I needed a fix.

So now that I realize I have a problem, and a serious addiction, I guess I should do a bit of rehab and get this thing under control.

Or, much like a rich rock star, who can afford to support his habit, I can live with the addiction if I can manage it.

I’m not condoning rich people doing drugs just because they can afford the cost, but I am definitely not signing myself up for rehab any time soon.

I can’t control when my computer crashes. I can’t control when my kids have a melt down. I can’t control the ins and outs of zoning bylaws with our new shop … But I CAN control my addiction by just having the right bike on hand and making time to get out for a ride every few days. So yeah, I’m a bike junkie, but it’s not a problem as long as I can afford a high quality fix. And I do own a bike shop …

I’m James Durand and I’m Goin’ Ridin’…

Campbell River Mirror