It’s time for commitment

With spring break in full speed, you can almost smell the blossoms knowing that beautiful, sunny days are just around the corner.

With spring break in full speed, you can almost smell the blossoms knowing that beautiful, sunny days are just around the corner.

It is a great time to start anew.  Reset and refocus your health goals.

Spring events, challenges and fundraisers will pop up throughout the next few months.

Think forward to some new goals for yourself.

Energize your health regime by signing up for a new program, fully commit to a spring or summer event, perhaps a fundraiser with a cause you’d like to support, and work towards that goal.

Even if your goal is participatory or for the fun of it – it may be that added boost to stay committed.

The quote “If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you keep on getting what you’ve always got” was my motto for overcoming a three-year plateau as an Olympic swimmer.

I kept working at the same intense level and program but with little or no improvement.

Finally, I stepped out of the box, changed up the program, worked on my weaknesses, added new elements and voila… improvement ensued.

We need to remember that we can be doing consistent good and healthy things, but every once in a while it will do us even more good to shake things up, get out of our comfort zone, try something new and grow!

Mark Twain’s saying is fitting: “Why not go out on a limb.  That’s where all the fruit is,” sums up that when we stretch ourselves, we may be surprised by what blossoms.

10-Week Plan

The time to commit is now.  In the next eight to 10 weeks many large scale community events will be underway.

The Giant’s Head Grind is on May 21 and the Giant’s Head Run and Man of Steel Triathlon are on June 4.

Why not register yourself and a friend for the five- or 10-kilometre walk/run. Or recruit family members to each take a discipline (10km bike, 400m/16 length swim and 5km run) for the Open Rec category of the Man of Steel Triathlon.

There are great online walk/run programs that can build you up to complete a 5km run at the end of eight weeks.

This is a realistic goal.

Don’t wait until the last minute, only to scramble to get some training in and then feel let down by injury or disappointment.

Come prepared and enjoy committing to the process.

The Spring Recreation Guide came out March 1 with programs ranging from Yoga, Pilates, fitness classes, Aquafit, Zumba, Guided Imagery, Swimming, Dancing and more.

The choice is yours!  Of course, the fitness centre is a great place to workout on your own program, timeframe and intensity.

The recreation guide is available online at under Parks and Recreation.

Joanne Malar is the program coordinator for Summerland Recreation, three-time Olympic swimmer, 2012 Olympic Commentator, kinesiologist and holistic nutritionist.


Summerland Review