James Seeley cans hole-in-one

James Seeley makes hole in one during Men's Night at the 108 Golf Resort

The highest number of golfers (70) showed up Aug. 29 for Men’s Night at the 108 Golf Resort and 46 hung around for dinner.

Conditions were perfect for many low scores and especially deuces and better. Seven deuces led by Harvey Knapp’s pair.

However, the whole club was happy for James Seeley who shot a hole-in-one on No. 15. Fortunately for him that was his closest-to-the-pin (KP) hole, because for some strange reason, while deuces are paid out, aces aren’t. In fact, people who shoot aces are expected to buy drinks for the golfers playing with them. Again fortunately for James, the 108 Men’s Club has a policy of paying for drinks for each of the members in his name.

Of course, the golfers were far more excited about James skill and shot than they were about the free drink

Meanwhile, guest Tyler Williams shot a pair of eagles (two under par on a given hole).

Recently crowned club champion Shane Wilkie led the way with a two under par 33 among 13 rounds of 39 or better.

Jay Scott had the first-flight low net with a 32, while Knapp led the third flight with a net 31. Ron Thurston also shot a net 31, but he had already won the third-flight low gross with a 40.

Larry Pinkney had the second-flight low gross with a 39 and Jim French shot a net 33 and beat Ron Vandermay in a countback.

The year is drawing to a close with the Ryder Cup contest with Prince George, Quesnel and Williams Lake is coming up in few weeks in Williams Lake. The 50/50 draw continues to grow, aiming for a grand final on the Sept. 18 Men’s Night.


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