Nick Pelletier is attempting for the third time to swim the entirety of Okanagan Lake, from Vernon to Penticton, on August 1. (

Nick Pelletier is attempting for the third time to swim the entirety of Okanagan Lake, from Vernon to Penticton, on August 1. (

Kelowna man attempting world record swim across Okanagan Lake

The swim begins in Vernon and ends in Penticton

A Kelowna super athlete is hoping the third time is the charm to break a world record.

In the summers of 2020 and 2021, Nick Pelletier attempted to become the second person ever to swim the entire length of Okanagan Lake, from Vernon to Penticton. In August, he’s trying the 106-kilometre challenge again.

Pelletier was forced to stop during his first attempt due to severe chafing. In 2021, he dislocated his wrist and suffered a shoulder injury.

Adam Ellenstein, the only person to complete the task back in 2016, did so in 40 hours, 57 minutes, and 11 seconds. Because he’s the only person to complete it, it is a Guinness World Record. While Pelletier wants to achieve the goal and break the world record, he has the goal to finish under 40 hours. This attempt will be his last.

Pelletier will have boats and kayaks beside him the entire time to help and guide him, but he is not allowed to touch them.

While challenging himself, Pelletier also loves to help people. During his first attempt in 2020, he raised $13,000 for BrainTrust Canada. In the second attempt, all money raised was spread out to more than 20 charities. This year, all funds raised will go to the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) in Kelowna. If interested, people can donate on CMHA’s website.

Pelletier will start the challenge on August 1 but the date is subject to change depending on weather and conditions.

More information can be found on his website.

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