KEYSA girls claim silver in Revelstoke

KEYSA's U-11 girls soccer team traveled to Revelstoke last weekend, returning home following a silver-medal performance

The KEYSA U-11 team is, back row (L to R): Head coach Jason Wheeldon, manager Marcie Peters; second from back (L to R): Naomi Hall,  Cheyenne Peters, Piper Whelan, Caetlyn Gray, Courtney Wheeldon; front row, (L to R): Avery Hall, Layne Birmingham, Jessica Hansen, Amy Brooks-White, keeper Abby Lalach.

The KEYSA U-11 team is, back row (L to R): Head coach Jason Wheeldon, manager Marcie Peters; second from back (L to R): Naomi Hall,  Cheyenne Peters, Piper Whelan, Caetlyn Gray, Courtney Wheeldon; front row, (L to R): Avery Hall, Layne Birmingham, Jessica Hansen, Amy Brooks-White, keeper Abby Lalach.

For The Townsman

Cranbrook’s KEYSA U-11 girls soccer team travelled to Revelstoke last weekend for the Little Bears Soccer Tourney, returning home following a silver-medal performance.

In round-robin play, the KEYSA team — coached by Jason Wheeldon and Marcie Peters — tied Revelstoke in a hard-fought 3-3 contest, before defeating Golden 8-0 on the strength of well-executed plays.

In the final outing of the weekend, KEYSA was stymied by stuff Shuswap defence, settling for a silver medal.

This is the second medal performance of the year for the team.

Cranbrook Daily Townsman