KIJHL teams can have 50% arena capacity with fully vaccinated patrons

Teams can decide if that's what they want to do, commissioner says


On Monday, September 13, the first step of B.C.’s proof of vaccine program went into effect, and as such, Dr. Bonnie Henry and Interior Health announced that restrictions in IH will be relaxed.

According to Interior Health, as of Monday, participants of smaller organized events in the region will now be required to show their vaccine card, proving they’ve received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. After Oct. 24, full vaccination will be required. Indoor events may be held with up to 50 people, and up to 100 people can go to outdoor events.

For larger events, full vaccination is required. Such events will be allowed to have either 50 people or 50 per cent of the venue’s capacity indoors or 5,000 people or half-capacity outdoors.

With the junior hockey season about to get underway, the ability to have arenas at 50 per cent capacity is good news, says KIJHL Commissioner Jeff Dubois.

Dubois says that his understanding of the order is that groups operating indoor events may choose whether to require that spectators be partially vaccinated and limit capacity to 50, or require they be fully vaccinated and have arena capacity increase to 50 per cent.

The decision will be made by individual clubs, he said.

“I would imagine that most of our clubs will move to the second option, but each of them will need to communicate with their facility management and work within the parameters they establish. Clearly this is good news though for being able to welcome more fans to our games.”

The KIJHL already requires all players and team staff to be vaccinated.

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