Coach Jason McBain, Brayden Hoy, Joey Koran, Brady Anderson, Logan Wahlstrom, Landen Schaffer, Wyatt Stewart, Coach Norm Anderson, Coach Neil Larson. Lucas Slunt, Logan Hilton, Declan Armstron, Nathan Sebolsky, Will Hunt, Ryan McBain

Coach Jason McBain, Brayden Hoy, Joey Koran, Brady Anderson, Logan Wahlstrom, Landen Schaffer, Wyatt Stewart, Coach Norm Anderson, Coach Neil Larson. Lucas Slunt, Logan Hilton, Declan Armstron, Nathan Sebolsky, Will Hunt, Ryan McBain

Kimberley Bantam Nitros win Cranbrook tournament

With 9 skaters & a goalie the Kimberley Bantam Nitros went undefeated in the Cranbrook Tournament. Winning a nail biting game against Cranbrooks Denham Ford 6-5 in Sundays Finals.

With 9 skaters & a goalie the Kimberley Bantam Nitros went undefeated in the Cranbrook Tournament. Winning a nail biting game against Cranbrooks Denham Ford 6-5 in Sundays Finals.

Kimberley Daily Bulletin