Knights draw Steam for playoffs

The North Okanagan Knights know their playoff dance partner.

Morning Star Staff

The North Okanagan Knights know their playoff dance partner.

The Knights will face the Summerland Steam in first-round Kootenay International Junior Hockey League playoff action. Game 1 goes Tuesday night in Summerland with Game 3 Wednesday in Armstrong.

The Steam sealed the Okanagan Division title by bouncing the Kelowna Chiefs 3-1 before 400 fans Friday night at Rutland Arena.

The fourth-place Knights bowed 7-3 to the Osoyoos Coyotes 7-3 Friday night at the Sun Bowl.

Rainer Glimpel pulled the hat trick for the 29-21-0-1 Coyotes.

Logan Geefs, shorthanded, Blake Culbert, on the powerplay, and Dennon Leibel replied for the Knights (23-26-0-2).

North Okanagan finished the regular season Saturday night by entertaining the Chiefs (31-17-0-3), who fell three points back of the Steam.


Vernon Morning Star