Konrad strives for perfection

Making a switch: SFU swimmer-turned-boxer excels in the ring

Dedicated boxer: Jordyn Konrad poses with her championship belt she received for winning her first bout in North Vancouver two weeks ago.

Dedicated boxer: Jordyn Konrad poses with her championship belt she received for winning her first bout in North Vancouver two weeks ago.

Humble, fierce, professional and dedicated are just a few of the adjectives Bulldogs Boxing coach Peggy Maerz used to describe Jordyn Konrad.

The former competitive swimmer-turned-boxer stepped into the ring in her first BC Boxing sanctioned fight two weeks ago in North Vancouver.

“It was nerve wracking because I really didn’t know what to expect, but I knew that I had done everything I had to do in training and I was well prepared,” said the soft-spoken Konrad.

Her tireless training and striving for perfection paid off as she defeated a much more experienced opponent in a unanimous decision, at Griffins Boxing and Fitness in North Vancouver as part of a fundraising event for Big Brothers.

Konrad says in the first round she wasn’t breathing as she was throwing punches, which she blames on her nerves.

“When I got to the corner Peggy told me to relax and breathe,” Konrad said.

“She is very attentive in the ring. She really listens and has great vision and awareness,” said Maerz.

In the second round she said she figured out how to exploit her opponent and she gained confidence as the bout continued, on her way to her victory.

Her opponent had 30 fights under her belt before stepping into the ring against Konrad.

“Boxing has been a great transition for her because, as a swimmer at Simon Fraser University, she knows what it takes to succeed at a high level and she is willing to put in the work required to do well,” said Maerz of the 25-year-old.

Konrad describes boxing as a new passion of hers, filling the void after spending more than 20 years as a competitive swimmer.

“Mentally, swimming prepared me for boxing by learning how to focus and train at a high level and pay attention to the technical aspects of the sport.”

While she does not know what her plan is for the future in terms of competitive boxing, Konrad will continue to train and coach at Bulldog Boxing.

Since the club’s move in September, Konrad has become a regular coach leading a women’s boxing class a few times a week.

Maerz has plans for Konrad to take over coaching some of the hockey teams that train at the gym as well.

“She is an amazing coach. I am curious and excited to see how far she can take the sport as an athlete and a coach,” said Maerz.

In addition to coaching at Bulldogs Boxing, Konrad couldn’t stay away from the pool as she also coaches the Salmon Arm Sockeyes Swim Club.

“I want to continue to coach both sports, as I am passionate about both and I enjoy the challenge.”



Salmon Arm Observer