A Moricetown Arrows third baseman tries to tag a Bulkley Valley Dodger out last Thursday in Moricetown, during a Kyah Wiget Mens Fastball League semi-final game. The Dodgers won the game 13-11, and will face the Moricetown Grizzlies in the League Championship series. The Arrows will play the Moricetown Moose for the consolation final.

A Moricetown Arrows third baseman tries to tag a Bulkley Valley Dodger out last Thursday in Moricetown, during a Kyah Wiget Mens Fastball League semi-final game. The Dodgers won the game 13-11, and will face the Moricetown Grizzlies in the League Championship series. The Arrows will play the Moricetown Moose for the consolation final.

Kyah Wiget fastball

Kyah wiget fastball semi-final

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