A Stoney Creek Stampeder slides in safe to second base during a game against the Moricetown Arrows on July 9. The Kyah Wiget Mens Fastball League held a tournament featuring the three Moricetown teams, the Stampeders and the Bulkley Valley Dodgers. The league is now headed into playoffs, with the Dodgers and the Moricetown Moose playing a best of five series for the top spot. Games run Tuesday and Thursday nights in Moricetown, with the first game getting underway at 7 p.m. tomorrow night.

A Stoney Creek Stampeder slides in safe to second base during a game against the Moricetown Arrows on July 9. The Kyah Wiget Mens Fastball League held a tournament featuring the three Moricetown teams, the Stampeders and the Bulkley Valley Dodgers. The league is now headed into playoffs, with the Dodgers and the Moricetown Moose playing a best of five series for the top spot. Games run Tuesday and Thursday nights in Moricetown, with the first game getting underway at 7 p.m. tomorrow night.

Kyah wiget fastball tournament

The Kyah Wiget Mens Fastball League held a tournament featuring the three Moricetown teams, the Stampeders and the Bulkley Valley Dodgers.

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