Ladies celebrate early Christmas at Chinook Cove Golf

A favourite events in the middle of summer is Christmas in July on Ladies Night at Chinook Cove

By Leslie Stirling

One of my favourite events in the middle of summer is Christmas in July on Ladies Night at Chinook Cove Golf, which took place last week on July 22.   It is one of three ‘Fun Nights’ that the Ladies Club hosts.  It is a Texas Scramble which means there is no huge pressure to golf really well.  When one member of the team hits a bad shot another member is there to help out.  If I hit my ball into the sand trap I know I won’t have to play it.  The second good point is not only does the team with the best score win a prize but the team with the worst score also wins a prize.  And the highlight for me is dinner…a full turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  Susan and her staff did a fantastic job.  Kudos to Kenner who wasn’t chintzy when dishing out the dressing.  Pumpkin tarts covered with whipped cream finished it off.

I know you are on the edge of your seat, wondering who won the prizes.  The best score (36) went to Karen Peterson, Dorothy Warman and Susan Bondar.  Second place (37) went to Deb Rainer, Donna Salle, Marian Wallace and Liz Salle.  The teams with the worst three scores also got prizes.  The team of Jennifer Amos, Brittany Babinski, Brenda Carl and Evelyn Lucas was third last (44).  Second last (45) was Erin Mitchell, Rilyn Phillips and Griet Kint.  And guess who brought up the rear also with a score of 45?  Yes, it was my team called the Cedar Queens…made up of Barb Smith, Susan Newberry, Darlene Nickull and me, the lovely Leslie Stirling.  Thanks to Barb Smith we also won the Best Dressed Team.  I think it was the decorated golf carts that helped.  The team of Kim Law, Michelle Funk, Cathy Chornleski and Ilke Marais answered the most questions in the extremely difficult quiz that Debbie drew up for us and were awarded with a prize from Wallace Trucking, Interior Savings Credit Union and Thompson Valley Awards.

And of course, we still had the regular prizes for all those good shots (that other people make).  Those winners were Susan Newberry (Station House Restaurant, AG Foods, Barriere A&W, and Stamer Logging), Liz Salle (Val Bella Studio), Debbie Rainer (Armour Mtn Office Services, and Barb and Carman Smith), Donna Salle (Campbell & Co.), Carol Willox (Bondar Forest Planning and Pottery by Ramona), Irene Beeton (Carl’s Market Garden), Susan Bondar (Barriere Timber Mart), Brittany Bobinski (Barriere Massage), Ilke Marais (Crystlee’s Hair Design), Karen Peterson (EBL Ventures), Darlene Nickull (Country Store Antiques), Lindsay Arcand (Estylo Hair Design), Ashley Salle (Knights Inn), Rose Seymour (Rainer Custom Cutting) and Marion Wallace (Shais Design).

Our next Fun Night is Aug. 19, and it has a serious side.  The ladies taking part will be out and about Barriere in the next few weeks with pledge sheets.  We are raising funds for cancer assistance.  Through the Canadian Cancer Society (Barriere Unit) we want to help local families with the horrendous cost of dealing with cancer.  If you are planning to take part and haven’t picked up your pledge form feel free to give me a call at 250-672-5706.  You can also give me a call if you would like to make a pledge.  Golfers who are planning to golf in that Fun Night should book their spot and cart early.  It is our most popular event.

As I am writing this week’s column there is a wet and wild thunder storm going on.  Thanks to the weather god for holding off for one day.  Hope to see you at the course soon.


Barriere Star Journal