Carol McNeil, Abbey Bates, and Deanna Pendergast pause for a photo op before their most successful Ladies Day game on Wednesday, August 14th at Lacarya Golf Course. Photo by Joan Slingsby

Carol McNeil, Abbey Bates, and Deanna Pendergast pause for a photo op before their most successful Ladies Day game on Wednesday, August 14th at Lacarya Golf Course. Photo by Joan Slingsby

Ladies golf report

Sixteen young-at-heart ladies completed nine holes at Lacarya Golf Course

  • Aug. 26, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Sixteen young-at-heart ladies completed nine holes at Lacarya Golf Course on warm, not-quite-sunny Wednesday, August 14. Some played 18 holes, but results from the front nine only are counted in this weekly event. The action started as four teams set off, spread out over the attractive course.

The theme was Stroke Play for which players’ normal scores are kept to generate gross scores; net scores are calculated in Flights 1 and 2 by deducting handicaps for those ladies. This week’s prizes, awarded to Deanna Pendergast, Madeline Klassen, Abbey Bates for Low Gross, and to Carol Hindle and Joan Slingsby for Low Net, were kindly donated by Wells Gray Inn.

Marie Giesbrecht’s and Deanna’s shots landing on the green on Hole 5 gave them cash prizes for KP (closest to the pin); the name Deanna the Dextrous comes up again for Long Drive on Hole 6, as do those of Joan Streadwick and Hazel Wadlegger. Winning for their Long Putts on Hole 8 were Marie and Carol H, along with Carol McNeil whose ball purred over the green for 20 feet.

Everyone had a chance to collect on Hole 7 for KP, with proficient Carol H collecting her third prize, while Kay Knox won Long Putt on Hole 2. Carol H also had least putts overall with Jean Nelson just one putt behind her. Having a bit more trouble sinking her putts, Jane Olsen earned Most Honest Putter of the day for her efforts.

Any player can also win by chipping a ball into the hole from off the green, and this week it was Joan Sl; Carol H (have you noticed that name before?) scored a Birdie by being one shot below par. Both ladies achieved these worthy results on Hole 9. Once again the pond claimed a couple of balls, so Joan Str and Carol Mc were awarded replacements.

Hearing their names drawn from the pot, Jessica Gunn, Marg Anderson, and Yevonne Cline happily chose door prizes donated by more of our generous sponsors: Rooted by the River, Mystic Dreams, and Pharmasave respectively, and Abbey was delighted that the 50/50 ticket pulled out had her name on it.

All players wish to express their gratitude to the many local businesses that sponsor us throughout the year. As well as those already mentioned, there’s Home Hardware, Painted Turtle, Fleetwest, Gateway Grill, Rona, and the Old Caboose, not to mention Lacarya Golf Course and its hard-working owners, Mike and Dawn Purdy.

Clearwater Times