Ladies golf: weather never predictable

The weather man called for rain but it was all sunshine for ladies golf in Alberni.

We sure lucked out with golf today, it had called for rain but we had sunshine.

In nine hole ladies play, low handicap group, LaDonna Knutson won low gross for the second week in a row, congratulations LaDonna.

Kathy Stolth took the low net while Sharon Hillman won the lowest putts.

In the high handicap group, Louise Berlinski had a good day taking both low gross and low net.  Lauralee Edgell won the lowest putts.

LaDonna had a par and Lauralee Edgell and Kath Stolth both had chip ins.

In the 18 hole ladies division, Carol Bouchard won the low gross with a 93.  Barb Sheare won the low net.

For the closest to the pins on the second shot (K P’s)  Carol Bouchard won on hole No. 2 and Barb Sheare won on No. 17.

Barb Sheare challenged Kathy White for the pin and Sheare won,  Patsy Gauthier will challenge Sheare next week.

Ladies golf actually started last Tuesday but it was rained out.

Last week, we had a 45 minute frost delay.  You have to love the Alberni Valley, never predictable.

Nine hole ladies

Low Handicap group:

Low gross went to LaDonna Knutson

Low net was won by Carol Jaworski

Low putts was won by Marie Swain

High Handicap group:

Low gross and low putts went Kath Stolth

Low net was won by Nancy Blair

Lorraine Wilson had a par.

We had three new members.

Alberni Valley News